Category Archives: Blogging

An award? Why thank you!

I was planning a post about my Overby sweater later this week, but it will have to wait. I was flattered to be nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award, by Jenna at the Crafty Cripple. Her crafts are fantastic, and I’m in awe of her ability to blog daily.

And now the fun part, I get to tell you about 15 blogs I enjoy to share the fun.

  1. Anice Wong: She’s a socially conscious, fantastic photographer, who also makes beautiful things.  It all shows in her gorgeous, often inspiring blog.
  2. AndreSue Knits:  Ambitious knitting projects that make me want to try new things and free patterns I can’t wait to cast on.
  3. kfklever: I’ve recently gotten into knitting myself sweaters, and her detailed posts keep me going.
  4. Monster Yarns: She knits, she crochets, she makes preserves.  I’m still working on it…
  5. Glamourous Traveller: It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one who cares a lot about what she packs.
  6. Travels in the Other Worlds: Her photos make me want to go everywhere!
  7. Tamsyn G: Can’t really call this a craft blog – her stuff is art. Beautiful photos, lovely jewelry.
  8. Lazer Sheep: It turns out someone else knit around their baby!
  9. KnittingSarah: I love her Christmas ornaments, and that she reminds me to get outside!
  10. Good Witch Knits: She shares my loves for knitting little sweaters, reading good books, and Game of Thrones.
  11. No Grown Ups Allowed: Our grandmas both taught us to knit, and the sweater she finished in February will give me something to aspire to for at least my next decade of knitting.
  12. Lion’s Daughter: Great crafts, and a Day Zero Project similar to what mine would be, if I ever got time to write 101 goals (goal 1: write 101 goals!)
  13. The Secret Life of Yarn: Lots of beautiful knitting – and some gorgeous hexipuffs.
  14. Awfully Nice: Knitting and sewing, all beautifully photographed.
  15. Done Well: She’s not on wordpress, but she inspired me to get blogging and to care more about the food I prepare. Sewing, cooking, travel, quilting and one really adorable baby!

And now 7 things about myself:

  1.  I worked my way through school doing field work for ecologists.  I really miss being outside everyday, but I’m doing my best to pass it on to my son, with lots of hikes and by always pointing out the birds and the bugs!
  2. Even though I grew up in a small town, I did not learn to drive until my late twenties.  My husband thinks that my knitting proves I have good spatial sense; I would say that my parallel parking proves otherwise.
  3. I really, really want to go to Antartica.
  4. Middlemarch is my favourite book. In many ways, it taught me what it means to be a real grown up.
  5. While few people who know me would anticipate it, I love science fiction and fantasy.  My dad read me the Hobbit when I was 4, and I never looked back.
  6. My grandmother taught me to knit when I was a little girl, but it was a handmade baby blanket at a shower I attended 7 years ago that inspired me to pick up yarn and needles again.
  7. I have lived in 3 different apartments since 2010.  It’s been a period of upheaval and big changes, and I’m so grateful to be moving into our dream house in 6 short weeks. (Hopefully, we’ll be there for years and years and years!)

Update (May 17, 2013): kfklever just returned the blog award favour by nominating me for the Super Sweet Blogger award – which was super sweet.  It’s a great compliment to read that such talented knitters are reading my blog!  I’ve already listed many of my favourite reads above, so I won’t list them again, but I’ll take a moment and answer the Super Sweet Questions:

  1. Cookies or Cake?  Cake. Cupcakes, cheesecake. I’m a fan.
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla?  All a question of circumstance.  A chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting. Divine.
  3. Favorite sweet treat?  Pecan tarts.
  4. When do you get hit with cravings? The end of a stressful day at work, is a tempting time.
  5. Sweet nickname?  I frequently call my son “peach”.  He will probably hate that some day.